TW MAGAZINE: Bound insert

Bound insert

In the middle of the magazine and thus unavoidable. Either in full format or in a smaller format that highlights the bound insert even more.

Bound inserts image

Minimum paper weight: 90g/m²
Maximum paper weight: 115g/m²

Minimum format: 230 mm w x 150 mm h
Maximum format: 230 mm w x 300 mm h

Bound inserts advertorial

Minimum paper weight: 90g/m²
Maximum paper weight: 115g/m²

Minimum format: 230 mm w x 150 mm h
Maximum format: 230 mm w x 300 mm h

The Advertorial is created in close cooperation with an external editor. Texts and images are edited in the style of an editorial report. The advertorial is marked as “Anzeige” (advertisement).


6 pages


€ 30,800

8 pages

€ 34,000

12 pages

€ 35,800

16 pages

€ 37,900

20 pages

€ 40,200

Prices for advertorial bound inserts on request.

Additional information
Please submit a binding specimen for inspection well in advance of publication.

Number of bound inserts to be submitted on request.

The key things at a glance
  • Terms of payment and discounts: All information about payment terms and our discounts can be found here.
  • Frequency: Magazine: weekly, every Thursday, E-paper: Wednesday evening
  • Advertising and printing copy deadline: Wednesday (10 am) of the week preceding publication
  • Print documents up to 10 MB to:
  • Please note: All advertisements, texts, logos, and other items must be placed within at least 10 mm of the lateral trim edge and 5 mm of the upper and lower trim edge. 
  • Specifications: All technical specifications can be found here.

You have questions or need more information?

Your media consultant:

Franziska Welp
Deputy Publishing Director

We are happy to get in touch.

To distinguish your request from that of a bot, please also answer this question:
*mandatory field
