Podcast formats: Podcast Ads: Lasting Brand I...

Podcast Ads: Lasting Brand Impact

In our weekly podcast, the TW editorial team publishes interviews with key fashion personalities and exclusive industry insights. With the TW podcast package, you can showcase your brand both audibly within the podcast and visually in the announcement newsletter.

Attractive audience: Reach a highly interested B2B target audience in the fashion business.
Placement in high-quality content: Showcase your brand in a podcast with top ratings.
Lasting brand impact: Over four weeks, your message is embedded in all podcast episodes and in the ears of listeners.
Sounds interesting?

Where your ads appear

This is what podcast ads sound like: audio example

This is what we need from you

Podcast ad scripts
Three texts (pre-roll, mid-roll and end-roll) recorded by TextilWirtschaft. Delivery up to 10 working days before broadcast.

Pre-roll text: (approx. 20 seconds long)
Max. 300 characters including spaces (corresponds to max. 4-5 lines)
File format: Word or pdf
Start with"This episode is supported by..."
Ideally with a referring web address and a CTA at the end

Text midroll
: (approx. 40 seconds long)

Max. 600 characters including spaces (corresponds to max. 8-9 lines)
File format: Word or pdf
Start with "This episode is supported by..."
ally include a website and a CTA at the end

No text needs to be provided for the end roll. It will automatically state, 'This episode was brought to you by...'
Newsline Banner
You can choose between three banner formats: Ear Space XXL OR Ear Space OR Content Ad. Assets (including links) must be delivered by Wednesday preceding the week of the newsletter publication.

Ear Space XXL:

Image format: 630 x 250 px, max.: 100 KB

Ear Space:
Image format: 630 x 100 px, max.: 100 KB

Content Ad
Image format: 520 x 200 px, max.: 100 KB

You have questions or need more information?

Your media consultant:

Franziska Welp
Deputy Publishing Director

We are happy to get in touch.

To distinguish your request from that of a bot, please also answer this question:
*mandatory field
